Friday 25 April 2008

Lazy Blogging

Elite Feet has given me 10 more reasons to know I can finish the marathon. Bill has agreed to "run" with me, even though he had a fabulous Boston run and is suffering through the post-race shuffle. I'm planning for a 5 to 5.5 hour finish, so I suspect he'll be ok. Oh, and I promise to bring (and wear) sunscreen, even though it looks like rain.

I'm leaving in the morning, and depending on the wireless service in my hotel may not be able to post until I get back on Monday. So - thanks for all your well wishes, and I'll see you when I can say "I'm a marathoner."


Meg said...

Good luck this weekend!

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a good run--have fun!

Bill Carter said...

You are going to do great!